This weekend I
watched the time management lecture by Randy Pausch, (well known for his terminal condition and his book
The Last Lecture). I also read a book by Randy Komisar,
The Monk and The Riddle. The two Randys talked about exactly the same thing.
Their core concept is the same, simple and profound -
worry about the scarcest and non-reprehensible resource.
Time and not money. Both goad us to ask ourselves, " if I only had a short time to live, would I want to do what I am doing now. Is what I am doing worth my time? What is the opportunity cost?

While Komisar is more holistic in his approac
h and asks " if I am doing step-1 because it has to be done so I can get to do step-2, which I love and is really what I want to do for the rest of my life, why? Why not do what I really want to do now? Why wait? Why subscribe to 'deferred life policy'?"

He talks about 'drive' which pushes you to do things you have to do while 'passion' pulls you towards things you would rather be doing.
While Komisar simply asked us to imagine our final days, Pausch literally had only few days to live and died recently.
Pausch gives tools and tactics to operationalize this, with specific and tionable and habit forming TODOs.
Together the two tell us to focus on our passion and how we go about achieving it.
Komisar's book also gives brief insights into how startups and VCs work, how they think about valuation from their perspectives and some funny anecdotes on life in the valley.